The Better Neighbourhood Program (BNP) is a long-running and successful Council program that focuses on the capital upgrades of local centres outside of the Parramatta CBD. The BNP commenced in 1999 and delivers improvements to centres with the goal of enhancing safety, vitality and economic prosperity.
Between 2011 and 2019, Council invested $11,761,333 in BNP projects, which consisted primarily of:
- Capital upgrades to local, town and neighbourhood centres.
- Connecting Centres projects to improve access to local centres and neighbourhoods.
- Complementary public domain improvements.
A total of $3,200,000 has been allocated to the BNP over the 2019/20 and 2020/21 financial years. This includes $620,000 in FY 2019/20 and $2,580,000 in FY 2020/21. The funding allocation is larger in the second year to allow for detailed design and construction processes to be completed in FY 2020/21.