Naming of a new cul-de-sac in Carlingford

Frequently Asked Questions

The proposed names were prepared in accordance with Council's Road Naming Policy (no. 283) and the NSW Address Policy and User Manual (May 2021) developed by NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB).

The NSW Geographical Names Board policy ensures that road, street, lane and open space names are broadly acceptable to the community and meet current norms and standards.

The NSW Geographical Names Board encourages place names that reflect the heritage, cultures and identity of a site which makes the place distinctive and memorable for residents and the wider community. As per the NSW Geographical Names Board process, research has been undertaken (by the developer in this case) to identify significant stories and histories of the area.

Please view the main section of this page for a better understanding of the context behind the names that have been proposed.

As per the NSW Geographical Names Board's NSW Address Policy and User Manual (May 2021), Council has undertaken preliminary consultation.

The proposed names have been given preliminary suitability by the NSW Geographical Names Board, with Council now undertaking broader community consultation to seek feedback.

The NSW Geographical Names Board has a number of criteria and rules in place, which make it difficult for some name submissions to be effective. For example, name suggestions must be as site specific and contextually accurate as possible, not have duplicates within a 10km radius and must also meet emergency services, postal and navigation requirements.

The Geographical Names Board of NSW ‘NSW Address Policy and User Manual’ (May 2021) outlines the guidelines for naming roads. The guidelines can be accessed at In summary, proposed names should be:

  • Road names shall not be offensive, racist, derogatory or demeaning (refer to NSW Anti-Discrimination legislation).
  • Road names shall not be misspelt. In particular, the spelling of personal names shall be able to be validated by reference to primary sources.
  • Commercial and business names shall not be used, particularly where the name can be construed to be promoting the business. However, business names no longer in use and which promote the heritage of an area are acceptable.
  • Road types shall not be used in the formation of a road name, for example Promenade Road, Court Street etc. even if the road type is also a surname.
  • Only one name shall be used for commemorative naming e.g. a given name or surname.

Council will review the community feedback and confirm the final selection before submitting to the NSW Geographical Names Board for consideration and endorsement.

The names selected will first need to be endorsed by Council before being sent to the GNB for approval and gazettal. After a name has been gazetted, it will be placed on relevant signs and be made available on official maps.