Boronia Grove Community Centre is located in the heart of Epping (40 Victoria Street, Epping). It is located 5 minutes’ walk from Epping train station.
The council building is situated next to an open-air car park to the north; an area of remnant blue gum high forest trees directly adjoining the building to the east; a residential tower to the south; and Boronia Park and a war memorial cenotaph to the west.
The front entry to the building is on the eastern side. The café is located on the western side and has its own discrete entry.
Council purchased Boronia Grove Community Centre in 2019. Prior to this, the building was used by the Masonic Club as a meeting space, as well as a function centre for weddings and events. Council also owns the adjoining Boronia Park and the open-air car park.
The Centre encompasses:
- 5 community meeting rooms
- 1 x arts room
- 2 x office spaces
- 1 x café space
The community meeting rooms, arts room and office spaces are hireable to members of the public.
The café has been leased out to a social enterprise – Darcy Street Project / Macquarie Community College. The café will serve light meals and refreshments. The Centre’s approved operational hours are:
- Sun - Thurs 8:00am to 10:00pm
- Fri & Sat 8:00am to 12:00am