The final Concept Plan and an Engagement Evaluation Report which summaries the community feedback can be found in the resources section. A summary of the community engagement activities and participation is provided below.
11 June to 12 July 2019
Stakeholder engagement objective: to inform the development of the North Granville Community Facilities Master Plan.
- 165 online survey responses
- 48 intercept surveys
1 to 26 July 2019
Stakeholder engagement objective: to collect feedback from local school students via a park design competition.
- 64 student entries
14 October to 14 November 2019
Stakeholder engagement objective: public exhibition draft North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan.
- 100 online surveys
- 65 hardcopy surveys
- 19 submissions
- 15 drop-in session participants
2 to 26 March 2020
Stakeholder engagement objective: to inform the development of the draft concept design of F.S. Garside Park and assist Council to understand the F.S. Garside Parks recreational requirements.
- 13 online survey responses
- 30 hardcopy daycare
- 60 drop-in session participants
5 November to 3 December 2021
Stakeholder engagement objective: public exhibition of the draft F.S. Garside Concept plan, Review of Environment Factors, Proposed changes to F.S. Garside car parking arrangements.
- 7 online survey responses
- 5 email submissions
- 23 drop-in session participants
- 2 stakeholder workshops
For more detail on each stage of community consultation, please click through the below.
City of Parramatta Council has completed a Review of Environmental Factors (REF), a requirement under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).
The REF was publicly exhibited from 5 November to 3 December 2021. The REF examines the significance of potential environmental impacts resulting from the proposed park construction and identifies a suite of environmental protection measures to protect public health, preserve water quality, ensure flood resilience, maintain local habitat, and respond to other potential environmental risks.
The close proximity of F.S. Garside Park to Duck Creek and A’Becketts Creek, means that it experiences significant flooding events. Flood models and site photos indicate that the sports field acts as a detention basin, protecting surrounding properties from the impact of flooding. Historical records also indicate that the park previously existed as a landfill site in the 1930’s. Flooding and soil contamination are the principal environmental concerns that Council must mitigate as part of the park upgrade.
To enhance public safety and better ensure that the surrounding properties are not impacted by flooding following upgrades to F.S. Garside Park, the existing site levels must be retained or reduced.
For many areas of F.S. Garside Park, particularly the areas near Duck Creek and A’Becketts Creek, Council must remove (i.e. ‘dig up’) the contaminated material, replace the contaminated soil with clean fill at a slightly lower level where possible, and then install a marker layer and a capping layer.
To understand the remediation impact to the existing trees at F.S. Garside Park, Council engaged an independent arborist to assess the health and long-term impacts following construction completion. The decision to remove 249 mature trees was not taken lightly. Each tree was assessed for its health, historical or native significance, and ability to withstand the remediation activities.
The excavation of contaminated soil at the base of these trees will affect the root structure and health of the tree (see p.137 of the REF). Damage to the tree roots often causes a tree to slowly die over a period of time, which in turn creates a safety hazard for visitors to the park.
The City of Parramatta reviewed feedback following community consultation and made minor refinements, including, assessing the health of each tree impacted by the proposed remediation activities, as well as improvements to sports field lighting LUX levels and operating hours.
The revised REF is located in the resources section and provides further information about detailed site investigations and documents that informed the final report.
Council greatly values community input to ensure that identified park improvements meet local requirements. In March 2020, we invited feedback from the local Rosehill, Harris Park and North Granville community to inform the design of the F.S. Garside playground, picnic facilities, dog park and new youth recreation area. These areas were identified for improvement as part of the implementation of the Stage One North Granville Community Facilities Master Plan.
Council invited participation through flyer distribution to local households, an email to previous respondents and stakeholders, as well as drop-in session attendance, social media and online participation. The community consultation campaign reached over 11,000 people.
To collect feedback, a dot democracy (dot voting) activity was used at drop-in sessions and online to collect preferences from the community to describe park features that they preferred. Participants placed dots/stickers (or voted online) next to their 5 preferred options relating to activities, play equipment and amenities.
The top five highest votes collected were for spaces and amenities, and included:
Other great suggestions were:
- “We need to ensure that the space is activated, by allowing pedestrian paths to go through (not just around) areas. This creates a sense of connection to the community.”
- “Large dog play section with smaller fenced area for anti-social dogs.”
- “Separate spaces for older and younger children, but with a transition area between (such as swings or a nature area) would be good. Older kids often scare younger kids away.”
- “Plant more trees to mitigate Granville’s severe urban heat problem”.
Throughout late 2019, Council invited further feedback from the community on the Draft North Granville Community Facilities Master Plan in order to build on the understandings gathered earlier in the year during the first phase of engagement. An online survey and a series of drop-in sessions were used to engage with a broad cross-section of the community, including local residents and sporting groups.
Who did we engage with?
- 100 respondents completed the online survey
- 62 people completed a paper-based survey
- 15 residents attended an additional drop-in session
- 19 open submissions were received
During this second phase of engagement, a majority of the community expressed support for the Masterplan which identifies upgrades to community and recreational facilities at F.S. Garside Park and the adjoining reserve at Duck Creek. The plan provides a long-term vision to guide planning for social infrastructure, population growth and active transportation.
Submissions on the Draft Alfred Street Cycleway Concept Plans closed at 5pm on Monday 20 July 2020.
You can view the below draft concept plans in the 'Resources' section:
- Alfred St Cycleway Stage 1 - Draft Concept Plan
- Alfred St Cycleway Stage 1 - Draft Technical Documentation: Signage & Linemarking
- Alfred St Cycleway Stage 1 - Draft Technical Documentation: Vehicle Turning Paths and Movement Plans
Following community consultation, the plans for Alfred Street Cycleway were put forward to the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on Thursday 13 August 2020, and subsequently endorsed by Council at it's meeting held on Monday 14 September 2020.
For more information, please refer to the Alfred Street Cycleway Frequently Asked Questions or contact the project team at or on 9806 5632.
- To deliver a masterplan for the North Granville precinct that offers welcoming places to gather and meet, as well as providing a range of active and passive recreation activities.
- To engage with key site stakeholders and the local community in the development of the masterplan.
- To ensure that F.S. Garside Park and community facilities meet the needs of North Granville’s current and future population.
- Improve the site accessibility and connectivity between recreational spaces.
- Address contamination issues to ensure public safety.
Consultation Outcome Report - Draft Parramatta Road Urban Transformation Strategy, identifies the key issues and opportunities for the Granville Precinct collected during the NSW Government 2015 community consultation to inform the development of the PRUAIP projects. This consultation was considered sufficient to commence the works associated with the PRUAIP at F.S. Garside Park and Alfred Street.
The development of a Masterplan to inform recreational and community amenity planning for North Granville was considered necessary to plan and identify funding requirements beyond the scope of the PRUAIP. The Masterplan also provides certainty as to how the park will develop as Granville’s population increases.
Council conducted two rounds of community consultation to inform the development of the Stage 1-North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan:
- Phase 1 (June-July 2019) – to understand community recreation and community requirements.
- Phase 2 (Oct-Nov 2019) – to publicly exhibit the draft Masterplan to identify issues and include amendments.
Further community consultation is planned to inform the detail design of each area i.e. Northern Play Area, Playing Field, Youth Recreation Area and Dog Park, Alfred Street Cycleway.
Following community consultation and review, Council will progress the project to detailed documentation and procurement.
Construction is anticipated to commence late 2022 and may take between 12-18 months to complete.
The previous unofficial (unseparated) dog park measured 1,470m2
The new design has allocated a small dog park area of 475m2 and large dog park area of 1,025m2.
The small and large areas will assist socialisation, by grouping dogs of similar size and reduce potential anti-social behaviour.
Additional improvements to the dog park facilities include drinking fountain, lighting and seating.
Test results collected in May 2019, indicated that some sections of the park including the sports field contain materials (currently buried beneath the soil) that may pose a risk to public health and safety if disturbed.
As a precautionary measure, these areas have been fenced and will remain closed to the public until remediation works and construction are completed. Construction and remediation works are anticipated to commence mid 2022.
Conversion of the existing Onslow street car park to open space fulfils Council’s adopted North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan and is a requirement set by the NSW Government Parramatta Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP).
The PRUAIP is accompanied by a strict funding arrangement and timeframes for completion. These requirements are non-negotiable and carry the statutory weight of the section 117 Ministerial Direction Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
New parking is relocated further north along Onslow Street and Gray Street. The concept plan identifies a reduction in car spaces from 71 to 52 (plus 6 disabled spaces).
Proposed parking changes also include 2hr parking (Mon to Fri, 8am to 6pm). The proposed parking restrictions will enable equitable use/visitation to F.S. Garside Park whilst supporting sports training sessions and weekend game attendance.
Council has undertaken an independent arboricultural development impact assessment report to review the health and longevity of the existing trees considering the proposed remediation works.
Remediation will require capping of existing contaminated soil with a hard surface like concrete or soil removal. Remediation may also involve altering the soil up to the base of the tree which can affect the health and or structure of the tree. The proposed remediation works may significantly impact the fine root structure of the existing mature trees and cause the trees to decline in time.
Unfortunately, due to the significant soil contamination and remediation activities required, 249 trees at F.S. Garside Park will be removed. There are 9 weeping fig trees located on Parramatta Road which will be retained.
Council has committed to planting a minimum of 128 new mature trees as part of the proposed park upgrade. Although this will not replace all the trees removed, the new trees proposed, and their location have been strategically chosen to create optimal tree canopy coverage and ensure long term tree health.
The extent of the soil contamination and flooding constraints at F.S. Garside Park necessitated that the entire site be upgraded in a single build to protect public health, private property, and the environment.
Council has engaged an independent environmental consultant, to undertake investigative site and soil investigations and develop a Remediation Action Plan in line with the proposed concept plan and inform the site remediation requirements.
Remediation works entails removing the contaminated material, installation of a marker layer and installation of a capping layer as identified by the Remediation Action Plan and in accordance with the NSW EPA requirements.
All remediation works will be overseen by Council and an accredited environmental hygienist. Environmental controls during construction include:
- Air quality monitoring before, during and after the works
- Capping or excavation and removal of contaminated soils
- Noise, erosion, and dust suppression controls to minimise impacts to the surrounding neighbourhood
- All remediation works will be completed by an accredited contaminated soils contractor.
A review of environmental factors (REF) is a document that is prepared to demonstrate due diligence and comply with the requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (1979).
Typically, it applies to construction activities which do not require consent under the act. Instead, the proponent (in this case, the City of Parramatta) must clearly demonstrate it has identified all environmental impacts of the proposal, along with mitigation measures to minimise those impacts. The REF needs to be appropriate to the nature and scale of the proposal, and often draws on specialist studies to reach a conclusion on the nature and extent of impacts and mitigations.
An independent planner was commissioned to prepare this REF. The planner integrated the advice and findings of all specialist designers and engineers who prepared the design for the upgrade and associated works. This was supplemented by reports commissioned for the project from environmental scientists, arborists and soil scientists.
The City of Parramatta is committed to implementing the mitigations and safeguards identified in the REF.
Council has applied the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and universal design principles to develop the concept plan relating to the F.S. Garside Park play and open spaces, sports field and amenities. Pathways, parking, recreational facilities, play spaces and public bathrooms have also been designed to comply with current Australian accessibility and inclusion building standards.
The below upgrades are proposed to unlock previously unused open space and or improve existing park facilities and amenities.
- Conversion of the Onslow Street carpark to open space
- Conversion of the unused reserve near Duck Creek to provide multi-purpose court, fitness stations, two dog park(s) and table tennis table
- Improved park lighting, access and connectivity within the park
- New accessible pathway connections and 6 disabled parking spaces
- New accessible district playground, sensory and nature play spaces
- Alfred Street separated cycleway (from Parramatta Road to Gray Street)
- Provision of multiple spaces to gather and socialise (new picnic tables, seating, water fountains)
- New sport field irrigation, rainwater tanks, storage facility, designated warm up area and seating
- New mature tree planting, landscaping, and garden beds
Public and environmental health is of utmost importance to us. Council has undertaken the necessary site investigations and environmental assessments to ensure the park is upgraded in manner that prioritises public health and safety.
Council has engaged an independent environmental specialist to develop: a Review of Environmental Factors (REF), remediation action plan, aboricultural report (tree health assessment), flood modelling and engineer review to ensure that the park is upgraded in a manner that ensures the protection of public and environmental health and safety.
The COVID19 “stay at home” public health orders enacted from 31 March -11 May 2020 and 26 June- 11 Oct 2021 have impacted the project progress.
The extensive remediation and construction program for FS Garside Park requires a safe-work-zone to be created. The entire site will be enclosed, and the current playground will close.
Over a 12+ month construction program, a large new nature-themed playground will be created along with a natural-turf sports field, a new fenced dog leash-free play area, and much more!
Until the new playground at FS Garside Park opens, alternative playgrounds can be found close by at Biplane Park - 31 Prospect St, Rosehill; and Rosella Park - 43A Wigram St, Harris Park.
The southern end of Onslow Street will permanently close on 16 September. The Onslow Street Car Park will close.
Conversion of the existing Onslow Street Car Park to open space fulfils Council’s adopted North Granville Community Facilities Master Plan (endorsed in December 2019) and is a requirement set by the NSW Government Parramatta Urban Amenity Improvement Program.
On-street parking along the eastern-side of Alfred Street, the southern-side of Gray Street and the western-side of Onslow Street outside the park and the end of Onslow St will also be removed for part of the works. Barriers and ‘no parking’ signs will be installed.
Council is investigating introducing residents-only parking along the eastern side of Onslow Street for the duration of works.
On-street parking in nearby Kemp and Arthur streets will remain (subject to signposted parking conditions).
Parking at the new F.S. Garside (Onslow Street 2023)
As part of the F.S. Garside Park upgrade, new parking will be available further north along Onslow Street and Gray Street. There will be a reduction in car spaces (from 71 to 52) and six (6) disabled spaces will be created.
Proposed parking changes also include 2hr parking (Mon to Fri, 8am to 6pm). The proposed parking restrictions will enable equitable use/visitation to F.S. Garside Park whilst supporting sports training sessions and weekend game attendance.
Granville is changing. The improvements to FS Garside Park will ensure our growing community has the sports facilities, recreation area, play spaces and amenities it needs now and into the future.
When work first began on this project, soil testing revealed contamination including asbestos. FS Garside Park was closed in May 2019, and on further testing, the site was recognised by the NSW Environmental Protection Authority as a James Hardie legacy site.
Following several rounds of community engagement, extensive design and planning, the development of a Remediation Action Plan (RAP), and securing funding, remediation and construction will begin in mid-September 2022.
Expected to be completed late-2023, FS Garside Park will be transformed into a safe, green, public open space where everyone can get together and play.
In 2009 and 2010, the then Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) released a report identifying approximately 27 sites within the Parramatta area as locations where asbestos waste, produced by James Hardie Industries, may have been disposed.
Records show that FS Garside Park, historically known as Macarthur Park, operated as a local landfill during the 1920s and early 1930s. It was converted for use as a soccer field by placing a deep compacted soil layer over the landfill and planting a grass layer over the capped landfill site.
In May 2019, Council commissioned soil investigations at the site as part of its planned works to upgrade community and recreational facilities provided in North Granville.
Consistent with its former use as a rubbish tip, soil test results indicated some areas of the park contain materials (currently buried beneath the soil) that may pose a risk to public health and safety if disturbed.
As a precautionary safety measure, Council closed these areas to prevent public access and minimise the risk of soil disturbance.
Following further testing, the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) advised Council it considered FS Garside Reserve to be a James Hardie Legacy Site.
For information on James Hardie Legacy Sites, please see
For more information on asbestos, please see
Several environmental assessments and geotechnical studies have played a critical role in the development of detailed designs for the North Granville Master Plan. These have been used to inform the construction program and the methods to be used to remediate the site.
In addition to developing a Remediation Action Plan (RAP), NSW Department of Planning & Environment’s rigorous Review of Environmental Factors process was completed.
All appropriate safety precautions will be taken during site works.
All remediation works will be in strict accordance with the RAP, and NSW SafeWork requirements, and overseen by a qualified Environmental Hygienist.
Safety measures:
The works areas will be fenced, the southern end of Onslow Street will be closed, and pedestrian traffic diverted
- Exclusion zones will be created, and dust suppression techniques will be applied during works involving contaminated soils
- Air-quality monitoring will be carried out before and during the works to confirm the effectiveness of safety controls in place
- Contractors will use appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing while working at the site.
The work program at F.S. Garside has been developed in accordance with Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) guidelines for remediation of land. All safety controls at the site have been developed in cooperation with SafeWork NSW’s Asbestos and Demolition Services Division, and SafeWork representatives are expected to be on site regularly during the program involving contaminated soil.
NSW SafeWork representatives have confirmed there will be no requirement for the Alfred Street Early Education Centre to alter its operations in any way. However, as a precautionary measure, extra controls will be taken in work areas neighbouring the centre.
In addition to SafeWork protocols (see environmental and public safety measures above) a physical geotextile barrier will be erected in areas adjacent to the centre, resulting in two layers of screening.
The geotextile is a specially designed fabric which asbestos fibres cannot pass through. It is usually bright orange in colour. This second layer of fencing, including the geotextile fabric, will be removed and disposed of appropriately when asbestos works are complete.
Asbestos poses a health risk when fibres enter the air and are inhaled. Air-quality monitoring before, during and after the work, along with exclusion-zones, suppression measures and geotextile screens will mitigate the risk of exposure.
It should be noted that the implementation of exclusion-zones will require the closure of the eastern-side of Alfred Street. The exclusion-zone will also impact on-street parking on Onslow Street and Gray Street.
To contact SafeWork NSW for advice and guidance on asbestos-related issues, please call 1800 Asbestos (1800 272 378).
For information on asbestos, please see:
To speak with a member of the FS Garside Project Team, including the City’s Manager of Asbestos Legacy Sites, call City of Parramatta on 1300 617 058.
For urgent matters related to the management of the construction site or after hours, please call John Jagodzinski, Greater West Landscapes on 1300 000 495.
Unfortunately, due to the significant soil contamination and remediation required, approximately 253 trees at FS Garside Park will be removed. Nine (9) weeping fig trees located on Parramatta Road will be retained.
Prior to reaching this decision, Council engaged an arborist to provide an independent arboricultural development impact assessment report to review the health and longevity of the existing trees and to consider the proposed remediation works.
The remediation required capping of existing contaminated soil and soil removal which was deemed to significantly impact the fine root structure of the existing mature trees and cause the trees to decline in time.
Council has committed to planting a minimum of 124 new mature trees as part of the proposed park upgrade. Although this will not replace all the trees, species selection for the new trees and their location have been designed to create optimal tree canopy coverage across the park and ensure long-term tree health.
A mix of native and exotic trees, evergreen and deciduous will be planted including species such as:
- Angophora floribunda (rough bark apple)
- Corymbia maculate (spotted gum)
- Eucalyptus crebra (narrow leaved iron bark)
- Eucalyptus microcorys (tallow wood)
- Eucalyptus sideroxylon (red ironbark)
- Tristaniopsis laurina (‘Luscious’ watergum)
In addition to the trees, other plantings include 120 shrubs and a mix of 27,500 ground cover seedlings and tube-stock.
The extent of the soil contamination and flooding constraints at FS Garside Park requires that the entire site be upgraded in a single build to protect public health, private property, and the environment.
Prior to park upgrades commencing, it will be necessary to carry out remediation works to treat contamination identified within the soils beneath the park.
To determine the best treatment strategy, Council engaged an independent environmental consultant to undertake soil investigations and develop a Remediation Action Plan (RAP) in-line with the proposed park concept plan.
Remediation works will involve removing soil from the surface of the park to a depth of approximately 30cm, followed by the installation of a protective ‘capping’ layer consisting of a brightly-coloured geotextile marker layer covered with certified clean soil.
This approach has been developed in accordance with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) guidelines for remediation of land, and also considers the flooding and drainage constraints of the site. The remediated site will provide the foundation on which the upgraded park is constructed.
All remediation works will be carried out by Class A licensed contractors, overseen by Council and an accredited environmental hygienist. Environmental and safety controls during construction include:
- Air-quality monitoring before, during and after the works
- Capping or excavation and removal of contaminated soils
- Noise, erosion, and dust suppression controls to minimise impacts to the surrounding neighbourhood
- All remediation works will be completed by an accredited contaminated soils contractor and overseen by a licensed asbestos assessor.
This $16m+ project, Stage 1 of the North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan, will deliver a green space where everyone can get together and play. The upgrades will unlock previously unused open space and improve existing park facilities and amenities.
The project includes remediation, and construction of a natural-turf football field, installation of sports-field lighting, covered spectator seating and amenities.
The new FS Garside Park will also feature a large playground for nature play and adventure. The design includes extensive landscaping, seating, picnic areas, and BBQs along with a flying-fox, a climbing tower, swings and more.
Key features include:
- Conversion of the Onslow Street Car Park to open space
- Conversion of the unused reserve near Duck Creek to provide multi-purpose court, fitness stations, two dog park(s) – one for big and small dogs – and table tennis
- Improved park lighting, access and connectivity within the park
- New accessible pathway connections and six (6) disabled parking spaces
- New accessible large playground with sensory and nature play spaces
- Alfred Street separated cycleway (from Parramatta Road to Gray Street)
- Provision of multiple spaces to gather and socialise (new picnic tables, seating, water fountains)
- New sport field irrigation, rainwater tanks, storage facility, designated warm up area and seating
- New mature tree planting, landscaping, and garden beds.
Work will be carried out from 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 5pm Saturday.
For your safety, do not enter enclosed areas.
Please follow directions from Council staff on alternative pedestrian and traffic routes.
Alternative leash-free areas are available at Deakin Park (Deakin Street, Auburn), Burlington Park (Burlington Street, Northmead), Cowells Lane Reserve (Cowells Lane, Ermington) or Don Moore Reserve (Tiernan Avenue, North Rocks).
A full list of off-leash areas in the Parramatta Local Government Area is available here.
The remediation and construction program is expected to take around 12 months and be finished around late 2023 with re-opening planned for soon after. Further updates will be provided on these pages as the project progresses.
Contact the FS Garside project team, call City of Parramatta on 1300 617 058.
For information on asbestos, ask to speak with the City of Parramatta’s Legacy Asbestos Officer.
For urgent matters related to the management of the construction site or after hours, please call John Jagodzinski, Project Manager, Greater West Landscapes on 1300 000 495.
For further information, please email or phone 1300 617 058.
Alternative leash-free areas are available at Deakin Park (Deakin Street, Auburn), Burlington Park (Burlington Street, Northmead), Cowells Lane Reserve (Cowells Lane, Ermington) or Don Moore Reserve (Tiernan Avenue, North Rocks). A full list of off-leash areas in the Parramatta Local Government Area is available here.
City of Parramatta advises that all residents follow the Federal and NSW Government’s latest information in relation to maintaining physical distancing and other measures to help protect our community and minimise the spread of COVID-19.
For more information on how Council are responding to COVID-19 including support for business and residents, please visit
The City of Parramatta Council will begin reopening playgrounds in a staged process from Friday 15 May 2020.
Council officers will first inspect all outdoor equipment to ensure play spaces are safe to use.
People who use playgrounds must adhere to social distaning requirements outlined by the NSW Government.
For more information about Council's response to COVID-19, please visit
To find a nearby playground, visit
City of Parramatta has engaged a specialist contractor certified to safely work on landfill sites to allow for the ongoing maintenance of F.S. Garside until the anticipated North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan work begins.
All works, including grass mowing, will be carried out to comply with appropriate work, health and safety standards. Contractors will wear appropriate personal protection equipment and will take necessary precautions to ensure public safety while undertaking these activities on site.
Council has an obligation to remediate F.S. Garside Park regardless of any work to deliver a masterplan.
A relevant Remediation Action Plan (RAP) will be required to limit public exposure to potential contaminants before any construction can progress. Developing a RAP that complements Stage 1 of the North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan will ensure that remediation is based on the future needs of the park.
Further site investigations will be required to develop the RAP and inform designs for the park. Flood modelling and community consultation for each component of the masterplan will be required to inform detailed designs.
In order to determine how to safely carry out further work at F.S. Garside, the City of Parramatta commissioned qualified environmental consultants to install gas and groundwater monitoring wells within the park.
In October 2019, eight small wells for the monitoring of ground gases, and one tower well for groundwater monitoring were installed.
While on site, consultants also took additional targeted soil samples to provide further understanding of the conditions at the site.
All works were carried out in areas of the park already closed to the public. All work conducted adhered to SafeWork NSW health and safety standards for ground disturbing work on a site where contamination may exist.
Environmental results from these samples will inform the methods used to remediate the site and determine whether groundwater and ventilation treatments are required.
Air quality monitoring was undertaken during installation. All results were within normal limits.
Results from the monitoring show that surface gas levels are within normal limits.
Groundwater investigations did not identify any groundwater contamination sourced from the site.
Further testing, including groundwater and gas monitoring, were completed within closed areas of the park in October 2019.
Further geotechnical investigations are planned in 2020 to inform the concept design for the park.
Contaminants like asbestos only pose a risk to human health if fibres become airborne, and inhaled. Other contaminants present at this site, like hydrocarbons often found in ash resulting from burned organic materials like wood etc., only pose a risk if they come into contact with skin, or are ingested (eaten).
Areas where contaminated materials were present beneath the soil were closed as a precautionary measure.
These areas were fenced to limit soil disturbance, prevent public access and possible physical contact with any potential contaminants that pose a contact risk.
Asbestos air quality monitoring results before, during and after the testing were within normal levels.
Test results collected in May 2019, indicated that some sections of the park contain materials (currently buried beneath the soil) that may pose a risk to public health and safety if disturbed.
As a precautionary measure, these areas have been fenced and will remain closed to the public until remediation works and construction are completed.
Further environmental testing will inform the methods used to remediate the site and the concept design for F.S. Garside. Testing will also provide information to allow the development of safe work practices for any future work at F.S. Garside.
Environmental investigations undertaken in May 2019 confirmed that F.S. Garside was once a landfill site.
The investigations identified broken ceramics, bricks and construction materials (including products containing lead, possibly from lead-based paints, and fibro products containing asbestos), glass bottles, and ash. These materials are consistent with items that would normally be found at rubbish tips operating from the 1920’s.
Other finds, including the presence of copper and zinc in the soils, are also consistent with materials widely used in homes in the early twentieth century.
Many of these items can breakdown into materials, which we now know can pose a risk to human health if they become airborne and are inhaled, ingested (eaten) or come into frequent contact with skin (such as regular handling of soil with bare hands).
Test results indicated that some sections of the park contain materials (currently buried beneath the soil) that may pose a risk to public health and safety if disturbed.
As a precautionary measure, these areas were fenced and will remain closed to the public until remediation works and construction are completed.
Asbestos air quality monitoring results before, during and after the testing were within normal levels.
Initial investigations are now complete. Further environmental investigations, are planned to inform the park concept design.
Historic records suggested that F.S. Garside Park may have operated as a landfill site (rubbish tip). It is understood that in the early 1930’s it was converted for use as a park by placing a deep compacted soil layer over the landfill and planting a grass layer over the capped landfill site. Records show the area became known as ‘Macarthur Park’ in the early 1930’s.
We now know that some materials in early twentieth century tip sites can pose a risk to health and safety if disturbed.
In May 2019, to help inform the development of the draft North Granville Community Facilities Masterplan, the City of Parramatta appointed a licensed specialist contractor to undertake environmental investigations in sections of F.S. Garside Park, the dog park and the natural reserve adjacent to Duck Creek.
Initial environmental investigations are now complete. However, further investigations will be required to inform the development of concept plans for park upgrades and inform further works including remediation.